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Dogon (English: Dogon People)

The Dogon People (English: Dogon People) are a negroid people living in western sub-Saharan Africa. The word "dogo" in the local language means knowledge.
The 300,000-strong tribe is concentrated in small villages, which are inhabited by up to 500 people.

The uniqueness of this people is manifested in the knowledge they have about the cosmos. They are convinced that thanks to the god Ammo, they came to earth from the star Sirius A, which is a binary system, along with the accompanying white dwarf called Sirius B. The Dog Star, as it is also called Sirius A or Alpha Canis Majoris, is the brightest star in the night sky. Sirius is considered the brightest star in the night sky for a reason. Its apparent magnitude is -1.47 and it is about 25 times brighter than the Sun. Although there are many stars with higher brightness, the Dog Star seems to be the brightest for the inhabitants of Earth. This is due to the relatively small distance that separates it from our plane - about 8.6 light years. Thus, it is the closest star to us after the Sun. Sirius A's surface temperature of ~10,000K is twice that of our native star. Similarly as its radius and mass. Its companion is a small white dwarf with a diameter smaller than Earth's. It orbits the main star in an elliptical orbit.

The Dogon believe that this pair is accompanied by a third star. Scientists are skeptical about this theory, because so far it has not been observed. Its existence, however, has been supported by calculations which show that these stars can form a triple system together with a third celestial body.

Researchers so far have not obtained a clear answer from where the Dogon tribe has such extensive knowledge of the cosmos. It is suspected that they took information about Sirius from ancient Egypt, where their ancestors could have come from. The Egyptians worshiped the brightest star in the night sky, which, rising around June 15, heralded them the arrival of the Nile riverbed.

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